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Transforming Education

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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentation on Integrated Education (A Level Government & Politics / History)

Presentation on Integrated Education (A Level Government & Politics / History)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Segregated Education, Lagan College, Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE), Integrated Education Fund, Numbers in Integrated Education, Premise for Integrated Education, Miller et al. (1996), Stringer et al. (2009), McGlynn (2004), McGlynn and London (2013)/ McGlynn (2011) Pickett (2008) and Marriot (2001).
Presentation on UK Pressure Groups (A Level AQA Government & Politics)

Presentation on UK Pressure Groups (A Level AQA Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that covers: Pressure Groups and Power, What is Pluralism? Robert A Dahl’s Work on Power Structures and Pluralist Democracy, Pluralists and Democracy, Pluralists and the State, Evidence for the Pluralist View, Problems with Pluralism, Criticism of the Pluralist Position, What is Elitism? Is this Democratic? So Where is the Power? The Distinction Between Pluralism and Elitism, What Determines the Success of Pressure Groups, Functions of Pressure Groups, Mobilise Public Opinion, Example of the Mobilisation of Public Opinion, Education, Example of the Educative Role, Encourage Participation, Pluralism and Diversity, Example of Encouraging Participation, Single Issues, Example of Single Issue, Redress of Grievance, Example of Redress of Grievance, Representation of Minorities, Example of Representation of Minorities, Expert Knowledge, Example of Expert Knowledge, Public Policy, Example of Public Policy, Check and Balance to the Power of Executive Government and Example of Check and Balance.
Presentation on Conservatism (A Level Government & Politics / History)

Presentation on Conservatism (A Level Government & Politics / History)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Origins of Conservatism, Theological Conservatives, Paternalism, Traditional Values, All In This Together? Prag-Grenade, Conservatism/Human Nature, Enlightenment, Pessimistic Conservatism, Tory Boy, Edmund Burke - Traditionalism, Robert Peel, Tamworth Manifesto, Revolutionary Industrialism, The Split, Paternal Conservativism – One Nation, Disraeli, After Disraeli's Death, How Successful Was One Nation Conservatism? Progressive Conservatism, New Right, Neo-Conservatism, Neo Conservatism – George Bush, Neo-Economics, Cultural Ignorance, Neo Liberalism, Neo Liberalism – Margaret Thatcher, Combative Conservatism, Christian Democrats and Nationalists, Neo-Nazi Mania, Conservativism Evolution, Society Does Not Exist? Individualism, Property Ownership, No Ideology, The Empiricism Sceptics and Key Quotes.
Presentation on The-Concept-of-Europe (A Level Politics & Government / History)

Presentation on The-Concept-of-Europe (A Level Politics & Government / History)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What is Europe? European Political Traditions, Assessing the State of Democracy in Europe Today, Globalization and the Crisis of the Nation State in Europe, the Decline of Political Parties, Power and the Contemporary European State, Democracy and the EU, Regionalism and European integration, Immigration, Europe and the Rise of the Far Right and Europe and the World.
Presentations on European Politics (A Level Government & Politics  / History)

Presentations on European Politics (A Level Government & Politics / History)

11 Resources
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: Europe and the World: The European Project in Crisis? European Political Traditions, Globalisation and the end of the nation state? How Democratic Is Europe? Immigration, Europe and the Rise of the Far Right, Power and the Contemporary European State: Parliaments, Presidents and Prime Ministers, Regionalism and European Integration, Concept of Europe, The Decline of Political Parties in Europe and the EU Democratic Deficit. Ideal for A Level Politics, History, and Citizenship Lessons.
Presentation on The Civil Service (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on The Civil Service (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What impression does this give of the Civil Service? The Classic Model of the Civil Service, the Lack of Change in the Civil Service 1850-1988, Main Changes to the Civil Service Over Recent Decades, Structural change followed the Ibbs Report of the late 1980s, Next Steps Agencies, Civil Service Controversies Since the 1980s, New Labour 1997-2010, Labour’s Plethora of new delivery vehicles, Reduced Civil Service, Politicisation? Why use special advisers? The controversies, Are special advisers neutral civil servants? What did the Conservatives promise? What did the Con-Lib Dem coalition do? the Civil Service under the Coalition Government and is the Civil Service fit for purpose?
Presentation on House of Commons (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on House of Commons (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: the Commons in Context: Historical Evolution and Constitutional Position, the Functions of the Commons and the Roles of MPs, Key controversies: Payroll Vote, Pay, Public Schools, Patriarchy, House of Commons Reform, Applying Theories of the State.
Presentation on The Judiciary (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on The Judiciary (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What is the Judiciary? UK Legal System, the Judiciary & the Westminster Model, Parliamentary Sovereignty, Judicial Independence, the Way Things Used to Be, Challenges to the Traditional Balance, Judges Vs Home Secretaries, Strength of Judicial Review in 1990s, the Growing Political Role of the UK Judiciary: Key Factors, European Communities Act, 1972, Judicial Review, Human Rights Act, 1998, Human Rights Act, Articles 2-18, Human Rights Act, 1998, the Impact of Devolution, Constitutional Reform Act, 2005 and Is this a Stable Arrangement?